Mental Health Oppression and Changes to the Affordable Care Act

Mental Health Oppression and Changes to the Affordable Care Act

Helping Our Oppressed Clients Get The Mental Health Treatment That They Need

With the Affordable Care Act (aka Obama Care), clients who made too much for Medicaid and not enough to purchase medical insurance, were finally able to receive treatment for mental health issues. Now that we have an new Administration that is pushing forward with changes to the Affordable Care Act, many of the clients that were receiving treatment will be in a position where they may no longer continue mental health services. How can we as mental health providers assist our oppressed clients in continuing to receive the treatment that they desperately need?

Dr. Shauna Moore Reynolds, Ed.D. — Motivational Speaker

Dr. Shauna Moore Reynolds, Ed.D.

Your Mental Health Personal Trainer

Can We All Just Get Along? Dr. Shauna Moore Reynolds builds relationships. Whether families, couples, businesses or organizations, Dr. Shauna is trained to build relationships and communication in order to get people moving forward.

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