Leadership: It's Not All About You

Leadership: It's Not All About You

Many different fun and engaging programs that allow us to understand that true leadership comes from moving others along their career journey.

One of the most common complaints among employees about leadership in any organization is when there are individual leaders who seem to put their ambitions ahead of their team and, in some instances, the organization they work for. There are, unfortunately, a great number of managers who have no idea of what truly great management is about and an even greater amount that shouldn't be managers at all because their interpersonal skills are woefully deficient. That can, however, be improved. Through looking at a series of research studies and getting to actually put together an action plan during the session, managers of all levels of experience (first time managers to senior executives) can improve their leadership skills so they can become the leader their teams and organizations desperately need them to be. Leadership is about relationship skills and relationships can always be improved if we understand ourselves and others more clearly. With these sessions we will be able to do just that.

Lou Orzech — Motivational Speaker

Lou Orzech

Humorous, Down-To-Earth Master Speaker

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