Cancer will not overtake me

Cancer will not overtake me

Thriving (not just surviving) with a cancer dianogsis

I said to my doctor with sarcasm, "You help people go through their difficult situations. I don't get cancer. I help people who are going through it." After several doctor visits, blood tests, examinations, referrals, and a major biopsy, it was confirmed: I have prostate cancer. It was unsettling and rocked me to the core. This presentation is part story and insights learned as I help others thrive during their chronic disease or cancer diagnosis.

Steven Sewell — Motivational Speaker

Steven Sewell

Encouraging Hope in Leadership and their Teams

Building bridges of hope to individuals, leadership teams , and individuals in profit and non-profit organizations through presentations about conflicts, resiliency, grief, loss, self-care, advocacy, customer service, influence, and supervisory relationship management.

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